Wednesday 13 May 2015

Environments Experiment

Recording Studio-
In the recording studio the walls have sponged things attached to the walls which absorb the sound and make the recording studio a good place to record sound needed for music projects. Because the walls absorb all this sound it gives us a much clean cut sound with so much less reverb then there would be without the sponge sound absorbers on the walls. Also because there was 6 people within the room at the time they would of also absorbed some of the sound leaving even less reverb. We recorded 4 different tracks on the same song the differences being a Condenser and Dynamic microphone and the distance the sound is to the microphones. Because they have been recorded in recording studio the tracks do not sound much different to each over except from the tracks recorded further away sounding more quite than the close mic'd tracks.

Hall way-
The hall way outside music has a little bit of reverb this is due to the room shape being long and not wide so the sound bounces straight off the walls next to the guitar and the other bits of sound travel down the corridor hitting different doors and these sound waves don't bounce back as they spend to long traveling in the air. Because there is hardly any reverb or materials which are good at absorbing the sound well, it means that the sound is little muffled and not as clean as the recording in the studio. There is not a major difference between the dynamic and condenser recordings as they both sound pretty similar however the condenser is picking up a wider range of sounds so is picking up more frequencies compared to the dynamic microphone. However there is a difference between the close recording and the ones further away and i believe this down to the reverb as the mic is further away from the guitar its giving the sound time to bounce off the wall and then getting recorded.

Outside is a little different because we did the recording in a open space but near a wall where the sound waves were bouncing off of, the sound waves should bounce off into the open space causing more reverb however there wasn't that much which was a surprise. What we did find was that there was lots of background noise such as the wind and other natural ambience, but also from people around the school causing noise was picked up.
The close mic'd recordings picked up less of the background noise as there focus was the instrument however the condenser mic picked up more background noise because it picks up more frequencies then the dynamic mic. When the mic's are moved away from the instrument a lot more background noise is picked up even from the dynamic mic, which not normally the case which probably meant that the background noise was very loud and there was lots of it. There was relatively less reverb as i felt that it faded before the mic's could pick it up.

Dance Changing Room-
In this room there was quite a bit of reverb because the walls were quite close together which meant that the sound waves were bouncing straight off the walls and then coming back then off the walls again which led to quite a bit of reverb. Some of the sound would of been absorbed by the people in the room because there was 5 of us in there and the room was not that big, also because of the room we could hear the strings being scratched as Tom played the guitar. Both the condenser and dynamic were pretty similar in this recording other than the condenser obviously picking up more frequencies than the dynamic mic. When we then again moved the mice away from the instrument the reverb was much more noticeable and there, I believe this is because its not next to the instrument which means it has more space to take in the reverb sound.