Wednesday 3 June 2015

Negative musical components within songs

He’s a Pirate
As soon as the track starts it’s to loud and then gets to about 7 seconds in and just goes up another whole level hurting the ears of anyone listening. The volume of the guitar overwhelms the whole track and needs the gain to be brought down on it as it’s clipping and distorting in lots of places. Throughout the song we struggle to hear the drums except from one in particular which is very loud but is trying to compete too much with the very loud electric guitar. I feel the whole track needs to be levelled out so that the guitar is only slightly louder than the rest of the instruments. This whole problem could be due to the fact that the drums have been done using a Midi keyboard. 

I feel the recording of the guitar is done through close micing the amp, which is creating feedback in certain places; a better idea might have been to DI the recording that would give us a much clearer and more professional recording for the guitar.


The first error within this recording is the top and tail the track does not start until 2 seconds in. The second error I can hear straight away is the piano for this song has not been close Mic’d it sounds as if the person recording it has used a overhead mic further away from the piano which means that they are allowing room sound to get into the recording and make it sound unprofessional. The next error is the person used to do the “ayy, ayy” bits he sounds uninterested and although he’s not singing, out of tune.  Then the when the girl starts singing she sounds ok but has clearly not been mixed to make her sound any better, plus when recording this song they obviously did not use a pop shield as everyone pop and click can be heard throughout the song. The volume of the girl singing is significantly lower than the man doing the vocals on his bits which means that either the gain needs to be turned down for the man doing his bit or the gain needs to be turned up for when she is singing. Also when the piano goes into the solo the mic positioning does not sound great.

Beneath Your Beautiful 
Bass is out of time at 45 seconds in you can hear this as the piano with the drums does not sound correct. This was probably because the drums were not recorded first which means a lot of the project could be out of time. I feel the drums are not recorded by close micing and maybe only been recorded using one or two microphones this means that the drum kit loses individual quality and they get a lot of crossover, it also makes it harder to hear parts of the drum kit such as the snare and hi hat. Using more microphones and setting them up correctly means it is possible to use EQ on the separate parts of the drum kit which would make the overall sound of the drum kit sound better. 
Piano hit the wrong notes in a couple places which made the song sound a little off in certain places. I would record this again until it was perfect, or if necessary use a new performer who is able to perform the song perfectly. Just after 2 minutes there is an example of this when the performer makes a mistake on the piano. The piano microphone set up is maybe a little to far away from the piano and I would move them a little closer to get a better quality. Some vocals within the song are either to loud or quite this could be due to either mic placement or the distance the performer was from the microphone if they were moving around. As well the end of the song is not cut so there is still a tail this makes the song sound less professional compared to if they just cut it. 

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