Monday 22 June 2015

Ray Charles- Mess Around

The main tune of the song starts at the beginning of the song at 6 seconds in. The bass and drum kit then kick in are used to keep the other instruments in time as well as making the song have more of a base feel to it. There is then a piano solo at 1:16 in which is full of trills. The saxophone solo at 1:36 is basic just keeping in time of the beats of the bar with some improvisation playing, the saxophone fits within the era of the song and the genre of blues and jazz as this was the type of instrument used for that genre of song. They offer a bluesy sound which fits with all the instruments being used. 
The song is melody and accompaniment the whole way through and does not really change.
I feel the instruments have been recorded separately to the vocals and feel this works well and the panning have been used perfectly to make some instruments feel further away than others, this also done using the gain to adjust the volume of each track.

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